Independent legal advice is available from Stephens & Holman in circumstances where Stephens & Holman is not representing the person seeking independent legal advice but, rather, that person’s lawyer needs to have the client get advice from a lawyer outside that lawyer’s firm.
Helping You Understand
Independent Legal Advice (ILA) may be required in situations where there could be conflicts of interest.
Some examples of situations for which ILA may be required:
There is a joint retainer, ie. a lawyer is representing more than one person for the same cause of action or transaction;
A lawyer is entering into a business transaction with a client;
There is a proposed family law agreement;
A lawyer discovers that an error or omission has been made.
We’re here to Help
If you are in need of help from our dedicated legal team, please fill out the form below or contact us by telephone.
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We Are Here for You
Feeling fully comfortable with the details of your case doesn’t just make you feel more at ease, it makes the lawyers of Stephens & Holmans more confident moving forward. When our clients feel better about their situation, we feel better going into a case. The additional details provided by an ILA create a more valid, credible case. Stephens & Holman lawyers will never pressure our clients into signing an ILA. Though we see the benefits of independent legal advice, we also support everyone’s right to choose.
The law firm you choose makes a difference. We welcome you to call for independent legal advice from the lawyers at Stephens & Holman at 604-730-4120 for a complimentary review of your case.